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Cultivating Connection

The Cacao Club

Image by Larry Garcia Pezo

What is the Cacao Club?

Welcome to the Heart Awakening Cacao Club membership space!

The club is a friendly online community which gathers twice a month for a cup of cacao and "satsang" - sitting with the wisdom of self, of the heart, and of the group.


What is Included:

Weekly Live Calls

for interactive learning

1.5h online ceremonies over Zoom

twice a month - days and times vary

a variety of topics

guided by Radha & special guests

+ recordings available for replay


Online Platform

for 24/7 access

easy to access online portal with the recordings of all ceremonies for the last 6 months

+ additional inspiring content


for connection and growth


a forum to stay engaged with the other club members, and exchange experience and ideas

+ opportunity to keep in touch and ask questions any time

for your personal needs

Flexible Plans

starting from $25 per month Basic

$35/ month with included discounts and extra support

$45/ month with included cacao

Who is this Club for?

Do you...

...want to find a community of like hearted people to sit in circle with?

...crave for a deeper connection with your heart and with those around you?

...want to carve out more moments of mindfulness and presence in your life?

... or you simply love exploring new things?


What Makes this Offering Special?


Payment plans created to offer freedom of choice, and the recordings allow you to

watch at your own spare time


No need to travel - you can join from the comfort of your own home, or anywhere you may be at the time


A friendly group of dedicated cacao lovers sharing their passion and wisdom of heart


Experience cacao's famous healing benefits for body, mind and heart, and feel nourished on all levels


Cacao is basically all about connection - with Self, with the Heart, and with others. This is what the Club is dedicated to

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©2023 by Heart Awakening

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