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Mantra Chanting and Kirtan

Sacred sounds such as poetry, devotional songs, prayers and mantras, or any form of sound that transcends you and helps you connect with the Divine, have been practiced in many traditions for as long as humans have existed.  They can be seen as a form of therapy, of using our own voice and its vibration to attune us to a frequency of wellbeing and a sense of deeper connection.

As a yoga practice, chanting mantras combines four of the eight limbs of yoga: pranayama - breath control, pratyahara - withdrawal, dharana - concentration and dhyana - meditation. Being more specifically a form of Bhakti yoga, the path of Devotion, the repetition of mantras serves to cultivate love, servitude and pure joy. It is a practice that awakens the Heart and allows it to express through sound.

In chanting the names of the Divine there is an experience of giving and receiving, of listening and sounding, which leads to blissful dissolution and the experience of profound inner silence.

"Chant with all your heart and the bliss will come" ~ Swami Muktananda

Kirtan Recordings


- The Bhakti Book of the Heart -

Free Mantra Booklet

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